Click Here to Visit our Sponsor

NOTE: Please, if you want contests ranging from Pokemon toys to possibly Pokemon Stadium (if we get enough clicks), click the ad every day once!  ^.^   Also it will help to fund our site to get our own server so we can put up TONS of info.

Click Here ---->>  WE HAVE MOVED!!!


      When I made my first Pokemon page, I was really impressed how quickly it took off. I never expected to get about 7000+ visitors in 3 months, AT ALL. All my previous pages I made in the past never came near that number. Well the reason I stopped updating my page was that it got really hard to do it myself. The truth is, there are a lot of aspects of web-page making that, well, I am just not as great as I would like to be. I got kinda fed up and just began to leave the site to rot. Well now, with a rejuvenated love for Pokemon, I have decided to work on a new page.... Viridian Forest. However, I really would like to get a staff set up to work on the site. Although, as the future goes on, I will rely on the staff members a little more than from the beginning. That means I will probably be assitanting the staff members a lot in the beginning to try to get my "vision" started. IF YOU WANT A POSITION, YOU *HAVE* TO KNOW HOW TO UPLOAD TO THE SERVER AND CREATE SUB-PAGES. Of course I don't expect you to get it right off the back, but responsibilty is key. Now before I babble a little more, here are some positions I thought will be necessary as the page begins:

~Translator - this person is required to have a good knowledge of the Japanese language, you will obviously need to be able to activate Japanese text on your computer/internet service.

~Computer Graphics Specialist/Assistant Computer Graphic Specialist - This is a VERY important job/s. I need someone who can easily convert graphics, edit pictures, create new ones, and occasionally be on the look out for new screen shots of pictures. Please, when applying for this position, send me some examples of your work.

~News Updates - This is not an extremely hard job, but requires you to always be on top of the latest news in Pokemon. I would prefer that this person is online enough to not have the news updates far and few between being that is what most people are looking for.

~Media Editor - This person would be in charge of finding sounds and pictures (that don't really need editing) to post up at the site.

~Q&A - Ok this person needs to have a very good knowledge of Pokemon, and a good humor too! As the site grows, you will probably receive more work to deal with as the site grows. In the beginning there will probably not be as much work to do. That is why this person might be able to assist me in creating a good Pokedex in the beginning.

~Odd Job - This person could deal with the the several sections that don't really need much attention.

Now about this new site. We will still be working with tripod... until we are able to get enough funding from advertising. There will also be contests if people actually click the little advertising banners. Well thats about it, e-mail me if you are interested.


  -What is Pokemon?


  -HM/TM List

  -All 150 Pokemon

  -Gold/Silver Version



  -TV Listings

  -Episodes Guide


Fun Stuff

  -My Fanfic

  -Ask Sandshrew

  -Learn Japanese

From You



Misc Stuff

  -Mail me


  -Message Board

  -Help me!



Hi!  Welcome to Clefairy's Pokemon Resort!  I hope you all have fun while visiting.  Make sure you visit regularly because there will be several updates a week and more stuff will be added each time. Remember if you like the site, tell your friends about it.

*Note - A lot of you have been telling me you are having trouble making this site a favorite place or bookmarking it, just edit the link to:

If you would like to make a link from your site to ours you can use the banner at the bottom of this screen and use the address mentioned above.  Then you can send your link/banner to me and I will add it to our link page.  Give and take!  Also thank Chibi for making those cool star things!  ^_^


January 15th - Ok a really big update... Gold/Silver version of Pokemon coverage has begun!  Click here to see it.  In other news, an updated Ask Sandshrew, Your Fanfics is up, and finally Learn some Japanese with Farfetch'd!

January 11th - (Part 2) I finally got a message board here! Woo Hoo! Click here to go to it! Also I have been getting little to no submissions for the artwork and fanfics sections. Share your creativity with us all!

January 11thYayayaya! Finally a update! I have been hard at work! We have the 150 Pokemon section going, a listing of what channels Pokemon is on, an old update section, a new poll, and an update in Ask Sandshrew section! Have fun!

January 5th - Ok today I added the "My Fanfic" section and put up a new poll.  I am also now accepting entries to put into the "Your Artwork" and "Your Fanfics" sections. Please make sure when you send artwork to me ( make sure it is in *.GIF format or it won't be put up.  These two sections in addtion to another section should be up by Friday if you all cooperate.  Thanks a lot and enjoy!

January 2nd - First update of the year! Ok I fixed all the annoying BMPs and changed them to GIFs so all pics SHOULD be working now. I also added my brother's new section - Ask Sandshrew! Many more updates for this weekend to come

 December 31st - A significant update! ^_^ The Links, Webrings, and most importantly -- the HM/TM List Section.  I hope you all have a happy and healthy new year!  We'll see you in 1999!

December 29th - Ok I added a pretty fun section... the Characters section! You'll see the cool part about it.

Old Updates

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All Pokemon images and names are respectively copyrighted by law to Nintendo and Game Freak.  None were used for commercial purpose whatsoever.