Hi... its me Jigglypuff. ::cries hysterically:: I have been banished by Clefairy to the deep dungeons known as "Old Updates". Clefairy said I am not even worthy to have a side bar on this page! GRRRRR... I'll show him one day. Woe is me. Why does everyone hate me? ::Cries some more:: Anyway here are some old updates, like I'm sure you care anyway. Also to get back to the main page you have to trudge to the bottom to get to it.
December 28th (part 3) - Ok another very small update. I added the Story section, another good reading for people who are new to the game.
December 28th (part 2) - Here is another update I promised. I added the What is Pokemon Section, I know all of this is pretty obvious to you veterans of Pokemon but for those of you who are new... read it and learn some.
December 28th (part 1) - Ok this is a minor update: I just added the weekly poll, and added a guest book, counter, and background. Also I began to add this site to many different search engines. I am working on a banner to give to other Pokemon sites to link this place up. So take the poll already!
December 27th - First day of the page! This obviously isn't an update but instead a welcome! Many parts of the page are not up yet, however we should be going at full force pretty soon. You can take any pic here EXCEPT the heading the Clefairy welcome sign. If you have ANY comments or suggestions for the page please send it to PapziPet@aol.com