Jacob's Omanyte Adventures - Chapter 1 Part 3

by - PapziPet

Jacob had just reached the entrance to the city when he saw a boy, about a year younger than him, chasing around this a strange and pudgy looking Pokemon. "Come here already! Get in your ball!" he screamed as he through his Pokeball at him. Omanyte, who was in Jacob's hands, got scared from all the commotion, and turned around and shook in Jacob's arms. The younger boy fell to his hands and knees and shouted, "Just listen to me!!" The boy then started to cry.

The Pokemon then started to run towards Jacob and Omanyte. It reached the two and gave Omanyte a big lick with his tongue. Mark began to buzz, "Hmmm a very rare Pokemon approximately a Level 14 Lickitung, Its tongue can be extended like a chameleon's and leaves a tingling sensation when it licks." Jacob said, "I don't think Omanyte likes him very much…, anyway why is he not listening to his master?" Mark replied, "Let us go find out."  Jacob walked over to the boy with Lickitung following behind. "Hi, I'm Jacob, what's your name? Wanna battle?" Jacob said smiling. The boy pouted, "I'm Tim, fine whatever, I know I'm going to lose." Jacob replied, "Are you ready?" Tim said, "Yeah yeah, ok go."

Jacob put Omanyte on the ground and shouted, "Omanyte do your best!"

Tim offered no encouragement as Lickitung just sat there looking in space.

"Lickitung, pleeeeeeease do WRAP!" Tim pouted.

Lickitung listened to his master for a change and wrapped his tongue around Omanyte and gave a good squeeze.

"Omanyte! It's OK, do WATER GUN!"

Omanyte shot spurts of water at Lickitung who was knocked down by the attack but then got up and licked off all the water with his tongue.

"Lickitung do WRAP again," Tim commanded.

Lickitung took matters into his own hand and stuck out his tongue and made a "Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh" sound which confused Omanyte. (SUPERSONIC)

"Omanyte keeping trying… do WATER GUN!" Jacob encouraged.

Omanyte, who was still confused, lifted a tentacle and shot a spurt of water into his eye! He got dizzy and fainted.

"Return Omanyte!" Jacob pouted as he sucked Omanyte into his Pokeball, "Nidoran go!"

Nidoran came out and snarled at Lickitung who began to laugh!

"Lickitung, I neeeed you to do WRAP!" Tim begged.

Lickitung just sat there continuously laughing.

"Nidoran, here is your chance! Do TACKLE!" Jacob cheered.

Nidoran charged up and began to run up to Lickitung grunting "Nidoran! Nidoran!" and knocked Lickitung down who fainted!

Mark buzzed in, "Attention Mark, Nidoran just gained a level! He has become level 8 and his attack grew to 12 and his defense grew to 10! He also learned HORN ATTACK!" "Good job!," Jacob said as he pet his Nidoran

Tim screamed, "Lickitung NOOOOO!" Jacob said, "I think we need to bring Omanyte and Lickitung to the PokeCenter as soon as possible." The two boys ran to the PokeCenter in the city with Tim leading the way. Jacob held Omanyte in his arms with Nidoran running close behind and Tim dragged Lickitung by his tail since he was too heavy. They reached the center and as soon as the nurse saw the two injured Pokemon , she whistled for 4 Chanseys who brought Omanyte and Lickitung away on stretchers. The nurse said, "Wow! You two must be very good Pokemon trainers if you are able to cause such damage. Anyway do you have any other Pokemon that need to be healed?" Nidoran peeked out behind Jacob and a fifth Chansey saw it and swooped it up off the floor and brought it the healing center of the building. The nurse continued, "Would you two please wait here in the lobby as we heal your Pokemon?"

Jacob and Tim sat on a bench in the main lobby. Jacob said, "I have never seen a Pokemon like yours, where did you get him and why does he not listen to you?" Tim replied, "I had just graduated the Pokemon Trainer course here in Pallet Town and received my first Pokemon - a very nice Charmander. When I left the school there was this guy waiting outside who told me to trade my Charmander for his Lickitung. I had no clue what I was doing so I agreed. We traded, the guy said this Lickitung is supposed to be strong but IT NEVER LISTENS TO ME!" Mark buzzed in, "Mr. Timothy I believe he can be a very strong Pokemon however he does not listen to you since you do not have enough badges for him to respect you." Tim jumped up, "So that's the problem!! Well Jacob, I have never even seen your Pokemon Omanyte, where did you get him and how?" Jacob explained his whole story and Tim stood there amazed. "Wow!" he exclaimed, "what a story!"

Tim then asked, "Jacob, I could really use your help for trying to get more badges. Also I am interested in learning more about Omanyte with you. So would you mind if I join you and Omanyte?" Jacob responded, "Sure! I could use all the help I could get! Also it gets lonely out there all alone." Just then the main nurse of the PokeCenter came into the lobby with the three Pokemon. The nurse said, "Ok guys here are your Pokemon, all ready and healed. Take good care of them! They seem to becoming good friends!" Omanyte was resting on Lickitung's head while Nidoran was running around Lickitung and teasing him. The two boys and the nurse began to laugh. The boys left the center with their Pokemon following behind. Mark buzzed in, "Hmmm ok Jacob, you want to learn about Lickitung?" Jacob replied, "Sure!"

"Ok here is all I know:

Name - Lickitung

Level - 14

Pokemon # - 108

Type - Normal

Height - 3'11"

Weight - 144 lbs.

Description - Its tongue can be extended like a chameleon's and leaves a tingling sensation when it licks.

Current Skills

Wrap - Normal

Supersonic - Normal


Attack - 13

Defense - 12

Speed - 11

Special - 12

ID - 22222

OT - ???? (Sorry Jacob I do not know who he got this Pokemon from)

Just then a man was running in their direction not looking where he was going and bumped into the group. Jacob looked puzzled and said, "Hey! Aren't you…"

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