Jacob's Omanyte Adventures - Chapter 1 Part 4 by - PapziPet After bumping into a strange man Jacob looked puzzled and said, "Hey! Aren't you one of the scientists who worked with my grandfather? Didn't you die?" The man picked up all the files he was carrying. "Jacob," he said, "It is too dangerous right now, please meet me later in my private research department located in the northern part of Pewter. I am looking out for you Jacob, and I will help you if you reach Pewter later but I cannot right now." Just as the scientist got himself together he ran off to the north. Tim asked, "So he was one of the scientists who worked with your grandfather? What's his name?" Jacob answered, "Yes I barely remember because at that time I had little interest in my grandfather's doings. That scientist was very kind to me when I was younger, he would bring me candy while I sat and watched grandpa and his coworkers do all these crazy experiments. His name was Dr. Yuri." Tim pondered, "But didn't he die in the explosion you talked about?" Jacob wondered, "I thought he did " Tim said excitingly, "Well if he's alive I think maybe the others are too, and also maybe we can figure out the mystery!" Jacob sighed, "Grandpa is dead but they are not? This makes no sense." Tim shrugged, "Well we should be happy at least we have some hope that we can learn more about Omanyte." Mark buzzed in, "Dr. Yuri - age 31 - youngest of all the scientists of Dr. Sodao's team - worked in the department of analyzes the DNA of Omanyte and Kabuto to determine their traits." Jacob was amazed, "Why did Grandpa put that data into my PokeRing how could he have know it would have been useful." Jacob glanced at the necklace with the piece of Omanyte rock he was wearing and sighed. "Well its time we explore Pallet Town," Jacob said. Tim jumped up excitingly, "Hey! It's my hometown! I'll show you around!" Tim pondered where to go first. "You need a map of Pokemon Island!" Tim grabbed Jacob's arms and pulled him to a stand in the middle of town. "Hi Tim! Who is this, your friend? Hi I'm . WOAH! what kind of Pokemon is that," he said as he gawked at Omanyte. Jacob said, "Hi I'm Jacob, this is Omanyte he was created from a fossil of an extinct Pokemon he is a water and rock type." The map salesman replied, "Wait you're from the Sodao family!?!? Glad to meet you, here take this complimentary map, its yours free!" Jacob thanked him and they two boys were about to walk away when the salesman shouted, "Hey! You should try to challenge Saxum, the gym leader in Pewter town who uses rock type Pokemon he won't stand a chance against your water Pokemon." Tim said, "That's good news! Now we have a good chance of getting the first badge." "Ok, you need some supplies? I do, let's go to new shop in town," Tim suggested. Tim ran ahead while Lickitung with Omanyte still on his head followed close behind with Nidoran right behind him. They looked like one big procession bumping into everyone in the streets. When Jacob finally reached the shop Tim and the Pokemon were browsing around the shop. The cashier spoke on the announcement system, "~ATTENTION all shoppers today's special are POTIONS - Buy 2 for 1!~" "What a deal!" Jacob thought to himself. "I'll take 4 potions please, Miss" Jacob requested. "Ok with there be anything else?" the cashier replied with a cheery smile. Tim said, "Yeah I need two PokeBalls too." Tim threw 400P over to Jacob who added it to his 600P for his four potions. The cashier packed all the supplies into one nicely packed cardboard box, which Jacob placed in his backpack. "Have a nice day!" she said to the boys as they left the store. It began to get a little late and the boys decided to go to Tim's favorite hotel. Tim said, "Ok, "Grandma Rose's" is just one block down. They walked down the block and Jacob saw a large homely building with a modest sign saying "Grandma Rose's." They entered the building and walked over to the counter where an old but vibrant woman was standing. Tim said, "Miss Rose can we please have a room with two small beds for the night?" Rose replied, "Sure, and don't call me Miss call me Grandma!" One of Grandma's twin grandchildren led Jacob and Tim to their room. Paul, the twin, said, "Have a good night, and try not to make much noise, we are packed with customers tonight and it seems a lot of them have already been complaining." After that he left Tim and Jacob alone to unpack and get ready to go to bed. They changed into their pajamas and said goodnight to each other after tucking their Pokemon in on the couch. At 12:30 am Jacob and Tim woke up to a scream. The ran to the door and peeked out into the hallway |
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