Jacob's Omanyte Adventures - Chapter 1, Part 2 By - PapziPet "AAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Jacob screamed as he woke up. "Omanyte, why do you like squirting me with water?" he asked as he wiped his eyes from the mess. Just as he opened his eyes he saw a Staryu standing right in front of him! "AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" he screamed again. "I guess it wasn't you Omanyte" Jacob said to Omanyte who just woke up after the screaming. At that moment Jacob's Pokedex ring started flashing, "Good morning Jacob, Ok let's see" as Mark scanned the Staryu with his light, "Hmmm approximately level 14 Staryu - An enigmatic Pokemon that can effortlessly regenerate any appendage it loses in battle, it may be a tough fight." "Ugh! I don't know what I am doing, I just woke up!" Jacob pouted, "But I guess I'll give it a go." As all this was going on, the Staryu was just standing there watching confusingly. "Omanyte, go get him!" Jacob said as he jumped up from the ground. Omanyte waddled over to Staryu and let out a gurgling and almost growling ""~O..man..nyte~". "Okie, Omanyte WITHDRAW!" Jacob shouted. Omanyte closed his eyes and began to shake as a blue aura surrounding him then went ~Poof~! "Good show! Keep it going Omanyte!" Mark said encouragingly. Staryu's light in the center of its body began to glow and then he bashed into Omanyte. "Oh no! Omanyte don't give up yet, ummmm try WATER GUN!" Jacob shouted. Omanyte pointed two of his tentacles towards Staryu and released water spurts to Staryu, which was barely affected by the attack then Staryu lighted up again and bashed into Omanyte. "Eeek! I can't do this, Staryu is too strong. Omanyte return," Jacob pouted. Staryu turned around and returned to his home in the ocean. "Jacob, Omanyte is very weak, I strongly suggest you use a one of the two potions your dad provided for you I will also include some data we have learned from this battle: Water vs. Water Pokemon does not seem to be very effective and also Pokemon 5 levels higher than Omanyte may be a tough challenge!" Mark said. Jacob did as told and Omanyte was restored back to full health. "How will I ever get Omanyte past level nine?" Jacob thought to himself, "I guess I'll have to keep trying." "Mark, let's explore Pallet Town, maybe we can get some assistance?" Jacob suggested to Mark. Jacob packed up all his supplies and walked off the sandy shore. Before Jacob could reach the heart of the city, he needed to pass through a small field of grass. As he ran through the grass as fast as possible in order to get to the town before lunch. He stopped short as he heard the rustling of some bushes. "Eh?!?" Jacob said quietly, "two wild Pokemon in ONE day??" The light of Jacob's ring, Mark, did a radar scan of the area. "The wild Pokemon is about 110-15 feet ahead. Be quiet or it might be frightened," Mark stated. "Hmmm, I wonder if I could even handle it?" Jacob thought as he walked forward. He peered through the grass and saw his second wild Pokemon. "Ok, Mark, please do a scan." The light from the ring beamed quietly at the Pokemon in order not to scare him away. Mark said, "A level 7 Nidoran(Male), It stiffens its ears to sense danger. The larger its horns, the more powerful its secreted venom, this should be easy for you!" Jacob was excited, "Alright let's do it!" Jacob got the Pokeball containing Omanyte and flung it out in front of Nidoran. "Omanyte! Do your best!" Jacob shouted. "Ok, Omanyte raise your defense WITHDRAW!" Jacob said. Omanyte closed his eyes and shook, just like this time. The aura of blue appeared and then poofed away. Just then Nidoran began to charge at Omanyte but Omanyte moved away and slammed into a tree. "Good job Omanyte! Let's try WATER GUN!" Jacob cheered. Omanyte raised two tentacles and shot spurts of water at Nidoran still trying to recover from the smash. Nidoran was very hurt but tried to weaken Omanyte by using his LEER attack. Mark buzzed, "Jacob, if you want to try to catch Nidoran, now is the time." Jacob jumped up excitingly searched his backpack for an empty Pokeball, "Yes, yes, yes! I want him! I want him!" Jacob found an empty Pokeball and flung it at Nidoran(Male). The Pokeball sucked Nidoran in and it was caught! Mark buzzed with some victory music. "Congratulations!" he said, "Now here are Nidoran's Status: Name - Nidoran(Male) Pokemon # - 32 Type - Poison Height - 1'8" Weight - 20 lbs. Description - It stiffens its ears to sense danger. The larger its horns, the more powerful its secreted venom. Current Skills Tackle - Normal Leer - Normal Stats Attack - 11 Defense - 9 Speed - 10 Special - 10 ID - 10043 OT - Jacob Sodao "Woo Hoo!" Jacob shouted. "A poison Pokemon, what a great addition to our team!" Jacob used his last Potion to heal Nidoran. "Anyway," Jacob said, "it's time we get to Pallet, I need to restock on supplies, and maybe we can find some information about the mystery of Omanyte?" Jacob packed up and continued on his journey. |
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