Sam The Poison Trainer

Submitted by: Doug0710

(Prelude - Chapter 2)


Sam stretched then got up and went downstairs to the kitchen. A few minutes later his mother came down to eat breakfast with him. After breakfast they started to watch TV, but suddenly Sam froze and asked slowly "Mom What day is it?"

"Sunday" his mother answered.

"But we just watched the news..." Sam said slowly.

His mother gasped "oh no! that means today is Monday and you missed the time to pick up your pokemon! quickly run over to the pokecenter and see if there are any left!" and then following her instructions he ran to the PokeCenter.

"I'm sorry but there are no Pokemon left...not even a pikachu... but here take this pokeball and come back next year." said the offical.

Sam glumly walk out of the building and into the woods.

"why me?" he asked himself. "why can I never get anything right?" and he tossed the pokeball into the bush behind him. he continued asking himself such questions for a moment and then he heard a loud PING...

"what the..." he muttered as he turned and peered into the bush. he saw the pokeball that he had thrown earlier, but the light was on! he gasped again

"but that means it has a pokemon in it!" he said to himself.

then he picked up the ball and started to run to the pokecenter...

Chapter 1

"First Pokemon"

All was quiet around the PokeCenter... and then Sam came pounding around the trail and dashed into the pokecenter a pokeball in his hands.

"Wait Professor Quack! I need to talk to you!" Sam yelled

and the professor turned and said "whoa slow down Sam! What do you need?"

"look at this!" Sam yelled

"huh? There is a pokemon in here! what is it?" exclaimed the Prof.

"I don't know...I hoped you would..." Sam told him

" well lets see what it is shall we" the Prof. said "open the pokeball." when Sam complies there is a flash of light. "Nido Nidoran" comes from the light...

"Wow!" the Prof. exclaimes...."It's a Nidoran Male! I haven't seen one of these in a long time!"

"Really?" Sam asks.

"Oh yes there can be no mistake about it this is definetly a Nidoran Male" the prof. explained "They seem to be dying out...well now that you have a pokemon here is your Pokedex....the newest model too!"

"Wow! thanks Prof.!" Sam shouts and runs out of the building to show his mother and get ready to go on his journey....

3 days later...

"Hey! look a Caterpie! Nidoran Go" Sam shouts

Nidoran jumps out of the pokeball and gives Sam a black look...

"Oh sorry my friend...were you sleeping?" Sam asks appoligiticly

the nidoran grunts...then see the caterpie...

"Nido!" and then starts to charge it...

"Yes! Nidoran horn attack now!" the Nidoran complies and the Caterpie is severly wounded

"Ok tackle now!" Sam shouts and the Nidoran charges forward and slams into the Caterpie..and the caterpie is killed.

"Beeb... Nidoran has gained a level and has learned poison sting,"

"Yes! good job my friend...lets see you need a name don't you?"

the Nidoran grunts....and Sam sits down to think...

"How about...Kario" at the last one the Nidoran starts hopping up and down

"you like that one eh? ok your new name is Kario."

Sam and Karion continue along the path to Pewter city.

Chapter 2

" Pewter City"

As Sam and Kario enter Pewter city they notice a sign... Come visit the museum, $50 entrence fee.

"hey that might not be a bad idea" Sam thinks aloud "lets go!"

as they enter the museum the are met by a women " that'll be $50 please" as Sam pays he notices an odd ring on her finger.

"hey what kind of ring is that" he askes...but after those words the 'ring' raise its head and proclaims "Dratini!"

"oh that is just my Dratini...he likes to sleep around my finger...for some reason." the women explains. Sams mouth drops and Kario makes a sound that is remarkably like a chuckle..."well we don't get many trainers don't want to challang Shale? the gym leader here?" the attendent askes

" no I just want to train pokemon I don't want any badges" Sam answers "but anyway what do you have here?"

the attendent hands him a program and a map and turns to the next person. Sam walks over to a bench to look at the map. After he sits down Kario jumps up to look over his shoulder.

"Ahem" Sam looks up to see a scientest looking over him "excuse me but is that a Nidoran Male on your shoulder?" he askes

"Yes it is. why?" Sam responds

"well I was just wondering because I am doing research on pokemon and Nidoran Males have been disappering I was wondering where you caught that one."

Sam tells him the story of how he got Kario.................

"well so the Prof. in Viridan city has also noticed the disapperence of the Pokemon...hmmm." the Scientest mutters

"what do you mean 'disappering'...sir?" Sam askes him

" well there were some people from Cinnibar Island and they complianed that they could not find any for their research.." the scientest answers "just the Males not the females....If there aren't more of the Nidoran Males around here soon...well the mushrooms that they feed on will poison the whole town and then proced to poison the world..."

Sam gasps and says" wow really?..I'll have to think on this..." and then dashes out the door...."what is going on! do you know anything Kario?" at this Kario starts jumping up and down and says "nido nido!"

"huh what?" and then Kario jumps up and knocks the map of the country out of his poket and then spears a part of it with his horn.

"give me that!" Sam yells irrited "lets go" and then walks out of Pewter City along the Path to Mt. moon...with one thing one his mind....what had happend to the Nidorans?

Come back home!